Fotografía Aves
Bird Photography
Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon - Seagulls : Olrog's Gull , Grey-headed Gull , Brown-Hooded Gull
White-backed Stilts ,
Bird from South America : Argentina , Uruguay , Paraguay , Bolivia , y Chile
Tringas : Tringa Flavipés or Lesser yellowlegs . Migratory bird . From Aleska and Canada, at the middle of June,
they head south through the Atlantic coast, the Mississippi basin and, to a lesser extent, the Pacific coast , to winter in countries of South América, even reaching Tierra del Fuego
Orden : Charadriiformes - Familia :Recurvirostridae Especie :Himantopus melanurus
Orden : Charadriiformes - Familia :Recurvirostridae Especie :Himantopus melanurus
Orden : Charadriiformes - Familia : Scolopacidae Especie : Tringa flavipes